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I was born in France in 1977. After completing my studies on the saxophone, I devoted myself to the baroque oboe and the study of early music. A graduate of the conservatoires in Amsterdam (Bachelor in 2006) and Brussels (Master in 2012), I studied with Alfredo Bernardini and Paul Dombrecht respectively. Since 2005 I have performed and recorded baroque and classical repertoire with ensembles throughout Europe such as :   La Petite Bande, Les Agrémens, Les Muffatti, Lingua Franca, B'Rock, Ricercar Consort, The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, The Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, Trondheim Barokk, Norsk Barokkorkester, Le Concert Français, Les Talens Lyriques, Le Concert Spirituel, Insula Orchestra, Le Cercle de l'Harmonie, Akadêmia, La Grande Ecurie. 


As a soloist, I've been performing with the ensembles Alia Mens, Ars Mirabilis, La Cetra d'Orfeo and La Camerata Sferica.


Between 2014 and 2016, I have been teaching early oboes at Oslo's Conservatories (Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt et Norges Musikkhøgskole). I have also been asked as a coach by the Norwegian Wind Ensemble (DNBE), as well as oboe teacher for the 2017 edition of the Nordic Baroque Orchestra in Trondheim. 


In parallel with these activities, I have established an oboe making workshop in Strasbourg and I am attending Alexander Technique teaching seminaries.



Oboe making

 -J.S.Bach :The Orchestral Suites with La Petite Bande (label Accent) 

-Haydn Symphonies (die Tageszeiten) with La Petite Bande (label Accent). Diapason d’Or 2012. 

-Bach Suites with Le Concert Français (label Mirare) 

-Lustige feldmusic with the ensemble Lingua Franca. Oboe band music (label Ricercare) 

-Vêpres, Vivaldi with Les Agrémens, L.G. Alarcon (label Ambronay) 

-Kreuzer Opera: « La mort d'Abel », with Les Agrémens (label Ricercare) 

-Alessandro Scarlatti-Profano e Sacro, with La Cetra d’Orfeo (label Avanti Classic) 

-Gretry, comédie lyrique : « La Caravane du Caire », with Les Agrémens 

-J.M. Kraus, Arias and Overtures, Helsinki Baroque Orchestra (Naxos)

-J.S. Bach, Christmas Oratorios, with La Petite Bande.

-Bach cantatas BWV 57,58, 32 with Das Neue Orchester

Since the year 2007, I have settled my own workshop in Strasbourg. I have developped and I play on my own copies of a Thomas Stanesby Sr. baroque oboe at pitch 415, and of a Mathias Rockobaur classical oboe at pitch 430.



Between August 2014 and June 2016, I have been teaching historical oboes as a secondary instrument in the two main conservatories in Oslo: at the Barratt Due Music Institute (for the year 2014/2015), and at the NMH (Norges Musikkhøgskole) in 2015/2016. I have also been invited to work with the Norwegian Wind Ensemble (DNBE) as a coach, as well as for the 2017 edition of the Nordic Baroque Orchestra in Trondheim. 

Since January 2021 I am part of the coaching team for the Orkester Nord Academy in Trondheim, which consists in a series of orchestra sessions on period instruments for young scandinavian interprets.


Mathieu Loux
Historical Oboes
Strasbourg, France


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